domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Management Ebooks: "The Second Chance Revolution: Becoming Your Own Boss After 50"

For millions of individuals, changing economic and social trends have done away with the "golden years." As it turns out, this is not such a bad thing. In fact, it can be good. Emerging social patterns find an energetic, engaged and driven group of over 50 visionaries, intent on creating their own professional opportunities. Whether it is out of practical necessity or personal fulfillment, the baby boom generation is refusing to phase themselves out of the workforce. Instead, they are turning age, expertise and accumulated experience into a major advantage—by starting their own business, and by living their long time dream.

With an enlightening combination of real-life stories and hands-on advice, The Second Chance Revolution: Becoming Your Own Boss After 50 breaks fresh ground. Its many tales provide an inspiring yet practical how-to book for the entrepreneurially-minded men and women in this exciting phase of life—people who dream of finally working for themselves, and who, in this informative, no-nonsense book, will find the guidance they are seeking for taking this bold and life-changing leap.

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