domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Customers Are Irrational"

As many businesses are discovering, customer behavior doesn’t always make sense. That really shouldn’t be surprising. As recent studies have shown, people tend to base their decisions on more subconscious, emotional desires than on rational, practical choices. What’s more, customers aren’t able to tell you accurately why they do what they do.

Combining recent research findings with real-world examples from his consulting practice on customer experience, William J. Cusick examines how the sub­con­scious part of the brain drives the decisions and behavior of every customer on a daily basis and introduces the concept of "the irrational customer." All Customers Are Irrational shows why businesses must change their approach to attracting and retaining customers, and proposes ways they can alter their strategies on everything from customer research, product design and website development to call center management, employee recruitment, and retail store layouts, by focusing on what customers are actually doing instead of what they’re saying. Honest, direct and insightful, All Customers Are Irrational will help businesses tap into the impulses and motivations that both attract and retain consumers for the long haul.

Marketing Magazines: Advertising Age Magazine 2009.02 - 2010.02

Todas las ediciones de la revista Advertising Age desde febrero de 2009 hasta febrero de 2010.

Management Ebooks: "Awakening The Leader Within"

Far from the typical leadership book that explores only theories and concepts, this interactive coaching experience takes you on a personal journey to awaken a new way of leading and a new way of living. Blending the power of an inspiring story with the power of reflective questions, this transformative book gives you deep, enduring ways to create value in all parts of your life.

Based on the premise that you need to grow as a person to grow as a leader, the story centers on Bensen Quinn, a CEO facing a deluge of persona
l and professional challenges. As Quinn faces the defining moments of his life, you will learn valuable lessons about authentic and purposeful leadership, applicable at home and in the boardroom. In a time when issues of business ethics crowd the headlines–causing many leaders to question whether profit should be a leader’s only goal–the practical applications of this book are more timely than ever. Expect to have a life-enriching reading experience.

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

Revistas Económicas: The Economist - 27 February 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista The Economist correspondiente al 27 de febrero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "U R a Brand!"

An innovative field guide to business success, U R A BRAND! combines today's hottest business concept with the realities of the modern workplace to help business professionals everywhere harness their personal potential, take charge of their careers, and contribute their dynamic energy to create sustainable advantage for their organizations. Taking field-tested strategies directly from the playbook used by Madison Avenue's best product brand managers, U R A BRAND! unlocks the hidden rules for creating a one-of-a-kind self-brand. Like having a personal coach right by your side, here are the inside secrets of how to think and act like a brand.

A Top Ten List of tried-and-true strategies, plenty of exercises, and "brainstormer" tools in each chapter make hands-on practical what it takes to package a personal brand with a powerful visual and verbal identity, think in terms of markets, and execute a tactical marketing plan that generates the buzz needed to become an effective brand builder. U R A BRAND! gives voice to dozens of executives and savvy professionals who have realized the power of these self-brand principles to move up the corporate ladder, reenergize a stalled career, start their business, or establish an intrapreneurial enterprise that generates both personal and organizational growth and success.

Management Ebooks: "Who Killed Change"

Who Killed Change?

Solving the Mystery of Leading People Through Change

Every day organizations around the world launch change initiatives—often big, expensive ones—designed to improve the status quo. Yet 50 to 70 percent of these change efforts fail. A few perish suddenly, but many die painful, protracted deaths that drain the organization's resources, energy and morale.

Who or What Is Killing Change?

That's what you'll find out in this witty whodunit. The story features a Columbo-style detective, Agent Mike McNally, who's investigating the murder of yet another change. One by one, Agent McNally interviews thirteen prime suspects, including a myopic leader named Victoria Vision; a chronically tardy manager named Ernest Urgency; an executive named Clair Communication, whose laryngitis makes communication all but impossible; and several other dubious characters.

The suspects are sure to sound familiar and you're bound to relate them to your own workplace. In the end, Agent McNally solves the case in a way that will inspire you to become an effective Change Agent in your own organization. A step-by-step guide at the back of the book shows you how to apply the story's lessons to the real world. Key questions help you evaluate the health of your organization's change initiatives, and you'll learn best practices for enabling and sustaining the desired change.

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viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Magazines: Advertising Age February 22, 2010

Advertising Age publicación americana, con más de 65 años, considerada como la revista más importante del sector. Recoge temas de marketing, publicidad, medios e investigación y análisis de mercado. Forma parte de The Ad Age Group, que también edita las siguientes publicaciones: Advertising Age International, Business Marketing y Creativity, así como (revista electrónica).

Revistas Económicas: BusinessWeek - 8 March 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Business Week correspondiente al 8 de marzo de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "New Strategic Brand Management"

Adopted international by business schools, MBA programs, and marketing practitioners, The New Strategic Brand Management is the reference source of choice for senior strategists, positioning professionals and postgraduate students. Over the years it has not only established a reputation as one of the leading works on brand strategy but has become synonymous with the topic itself.

The new edition builds on this impressive reputation and keeps the book at the forefront of strategic brand thinking. Revealing and explaining the latest techniq
ues used by companies worldwide, author Jean-Noel Kapferer covers all the leading issues faced by brand strategists today. With both gravitas and intelligent insight, the book reveals new thinking on an array of topics including: brand architecture and diversity strategies; market adaptation approaches; and positioning in the private label and store brand environment.

Management Ebooks: "Warren Buffett Managing Capital, Leading People"

Many best-selling books have tried to unlock Buffett's secrets by analyzing his genius as an investor. But they missed the real point! THE REAL WARREN BUFFETT is the first book to uncover the truth about how Buffett has delivered his astonishing performance—not by being a stock picker but as a CEO, leading people and managing capital. Zeroing in on his original management style and leadership approach, THE REAL WARREN BUFFETT stands apart with its powerful and practical lessons in corporate strategy, leadership, and the stewardship of publicly owned companies.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Magazines: Brandlife 25-02-2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Brandlife correspondiente al 22 de febrero de 2010.

Magazines: Foreign Policy - March-April 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Foreign Policy correspondiente a los meses de marzo y abril de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Marketing Without Advertising"

The best marketing you can do for your business is to concentrate on creating a high-quality operation that customers, employees and other businesspeople will trust, respect and recommend.

Marketing Without Advertising teaches small business owners practical strategies to:

* attract new customers and build trust

* encourage customer recommendations

* improve customer service and turn even dissatisfied customers into active supporters of the business

* list products and services widely and inexpensively

* plan marketing events that will keep customers involved

* use the Internet to market services and products

This essential book will help you market your business with common sense, not piles of cents

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Management Ebooks: "Las 17 Cualidades Leyes Incuestionables Del Trabajo En Equipo"

Todo el mundo es parte de un equipo. Si usted esta casado, usted y su cónyuge son un equipo. Si usted es un empleado, usted y sus compañeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organización, usted es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo único, y fácil de entender, el doctor Maxwell denuncia el proceso de construir un equipo ganador, de una manera sencilla de retener y de ponerla en práctica.


miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "The Social Media Starter Kit"

Several times a day, I hear folks asking about how to get started with all this social media stuff.

What tools they need, what sites they should look at so as not to get overwhelmed. This is the nuts and bolts stuff, not so much the "why" (we'll cover that more in depth in the next ebook). This is individually focused, but many of the same things can apply in a business context if you use your business goals as a guide.

Management Ebooks: "Principles of Strategic Management"

"Principles of Strategic Management" provides a comprehensive and accessible treatment of the key principles and practices of the strategic management process. It covers the whole of the strategic management process including strategic analysis, formulation, choice and implementation. Within this framework topics such as business environment, leadership, governance, enterprise management, time management, financial management, positioning, planning and decision-making are considered.

The analysis encompasses the corporate, public (including health care) and non-profit sectors at both the local and global levels.
The text provides a complete range of learning and teaching aids including case studies and case examples, review questions and project assignments. "Principles of Strategic Management" is the ideal choice if an accessible textbook is sought whether at undergraduate, post-experience or conversion masters level.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: Philip Kotler "Up and Out of Poverty: The Social Marketing Solution"

In this book, legendary marketing expert Philip Kotler and social marketing innovator Nancy Lee consider poverty from a radically different and powerfully new viewpoint: that of the marketer. Kotler and Lee assess each proposed path to poverty reduction, from traditional large-scale foreign aid to improved education and job training, economic development to microfinance. They offer powerful new insights into why so many anti-poverty programs fail - and propose a new paradigm that can achieve far better results.

Kotler and Lee show how to apply advanced marketing strategies and techniques - including segmentation, targeting, and positioning - to systematically put in place the conditions poor people need to escape poverty. Through real case studies, you'll learn how these marketing techniques can help promote health, education, community building, personal motivation, and more. The authors provide the first complete, marketing-informed methodology for addressing specific poverty-related problems - and assessing the results.

They also demonstrate how national and local anti-poverty programs can be improved by more effectively linking government, NGOs, and private companies. Over the past 30 years, the authors' social marketing techniques have been successfully applied to health care, environmental protection, family planning, and many other social challenges. Now, Kotler and Lee show how they can be applied to the largest social challenge of all: global poverty.

Management Ebooks: "La Culpa es de la Vaca 2ª Parte"

Convencidos de que los valores más genuinamente humanos son el resultado de una reflexión y una práctica constantes, los autores resolvieron hacer una nueva compilación de parábolas, anécdotas y fábulas cuyos protagonistas somos, una vez más, nosotros mismos. Fieles a las intenciones que animaron su primer libro (vale decir, enriquecer la idea de un renovado humanismo), los relatos aquí elegidos brindan, sin necedidad de mensajes abstractos ni complejos, herramientas para que cada persona enfrente los obstáculos que le impone el mundo de hoy, vertiginoso y cambiante, y que además aprenda a desenvolverse con éxito en lo que se proponga, guiado por la solidaridad, el altruismo, la amistad y, en especial, la tolerancia.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Entrevista con Isabel Mas, Fundadora de CUSPIDIS la red social de montañeros

Hemos hablado con Isabel Mas (Diplomada en Turismo por la Universidad de Girona) fundadora de la red social CUSPIDIS, la cual pretende ser un punto de encuentro entre montañeros, en el que compartir experiencias y conocimientos entorno a una misma afición.

En esta entrevista, Isabel nos ha comentado, como surge la idea de crear esta red social, el balance de los primeros días, las acciones de marketing que están llevando a cabo y muchas cosas más.

¿Qué es Cuspidis?

CUSPIDIS es una red social para y de montañeros. CUSPIDIS ofrece a los montañeros, deportistas, amantes de la montaña y clubes de montaña una plataforma innovadora donde compartir experiencias y conocimiento entorno a una afición en común.

¿Cómo y por que surge la idea de crear Cuspidis?

La idea surge a partir de mi afición al senderismo y del uso intensivo que hago de internet tanto a nivel personal como profesional. España es un país con una gran tradición montañera y detecté que los aficionados a la montaña eran activos en distintas plataformas en internet que ofrecen servicios para este segmento de mercado pero que no existía una red social pensada exclusivamente para montañeros. Además empresas prestadoras de servicios y entidades no hacían uso de las posibilidades de comunicación, segmentación e interacción que ofrece internet.

Como comentas en, este proyecto ha sido un parto complicado, de unas 72 semanas ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor obstáculo y la mayor satisfacción a la hora de llevar a cabo este proyecto?

Más que complicado debería haber dicho largo, aunque un parto de 72 semanas efectivamente seria un parto un tanto complicado! En el camino no me he encontrado con grandes obstáculos pero si con retos, el de persistir y el de superar la incertidumbre y la incomprensión del entorno. La mayor satisfacción ha sido la excelente acogida que ha tenido el proyecto por parte de usuarios y medios, que sin duda me ha ayudado a ganar confianza e ímpetu para seguir adelante.

¿Qué balance haces de estas primeras semanas de vida de Cuspidis?

El balance después de 10 días de publicación es muy bueno (mejorando las expectativas). Hemos superado los 400 usuarios, nos acercamos a las 50.000 páginas vistas y se observa ya un nivel importante de interacción entre los usuarios. Una de las dificultades a superar en el lanzamiento, además de la de conseguir usuarios, es que estos sean activos y generen contenidos. En este sentido el resultado también está siendo bueno.

Para el desarrollo de la parte técnica de cuspidis.con has contado con el apoyo de Vense ¿Cuál ha sido tu experiencia trabajando con ellos?

Francesc y Isaac no solo son dos grandes desarrolladores sino que también son dos grandes personas. La experiencia ha sido casi inmejorable.

Cuspidis cuenta con presencia en otras redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter o LinkedIn. ¿Es inevitable hoy en día la presencia en redes sociales para darse a conocer?

Más que inevitable yo diría que es muy recomendable. En estos pocos días de vida de Cuspidis un 15% del tráfico generado provenía de Facebook y un 5% de Twitter.

¿Qué otras acciones de marketing, además de vuestra presencia en redes sociales estáis llevando a cabo para vuestro posicionamiento en la red?

Como acciones inmediatas, a parte de la presencia en redes sociales, estamos realizando un mailing a contactos personales y a empresas/entidades/clubes relacionados con el mundo del montañismo (unos 3400 registros). También tenemos pendiente de enviar una nota de prensa a los medios relacionados y a las secciones emprendedores o internet de medios generalistas. Igualmente estamos contactando con bloggers que son muchos los relacionados con el montañismo.

¿Qué le dirías a todos aquellas empresas relacionadas con los deportes de montaña y su entorno? ¿Consideras que Cuspidis puede ser un medio ideal para que estas empresas se comuniquen con su target objetivo?

Pues precisamente les diría esto, que Cuspidis es la plataforma ideal para dar a conocer sus productos/servicios, comunicar e interactuar con su target. Les ofrece la posibilidad de conocer de primera mano cual es la opinión de los usuarios acerca de sus servicios y les permite crear comunidad entorno a su empresa y conseguir (lo más importante) usuarios prescriptores de sus servicios.

En la actualidad Cuspidis cuenta con versiones en Castellano y Catalán ¿Contempláis en un futuro realizar versiones en otros idiomas?

Si, lo tenemos contemplado aunque preferimos consolidar estas versiones antes de lanzar nuevos idiomas.

Hemos visto estos últimos años la explosión de las redes sociales horizontales como Facebook, Tuenti, Hi5, etc. ¿Consideras que el futuro de las redes sociales pasa por las redes verticales?

A mi modo de ver, una red social tiene que contener una comunidad (conjunto de personas vinculadas por características o intereses comunes) para que el usuario tenga un sentimiento de pertenencia y un ánimo de crecer como comunidad a través de su aportación personal. Esto creo que solo se puede generar en redes sociales verticales que son las que se construyen entorno a un interés común.

Por otra parte esta misma característica hace que estas redes sean mucho más interesantes para planificar acciones de marketing y comunicación por parte de empresas que encuentran en estas plataformas segmentos de mercado de su interés muy bien definidos.

Marketing Ebooks: "Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management"

The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe.

This collection features an all-new roundtable discussion with a unique "closing essay" on followership. The collection also builds on the special leadership issue of Harvard Business Review.

About the Author Since 1984, Harvard Business School Press has been dedicated to publishing the most contemporary management thinking, written by authors and practitioners who are leading the way. Whether readers are seeking big-picture strategic thinking or tactical problem solving, advice in managing global corporations or for developing personal careers, HBS Press helps fuel the fire of innovative thought. HBS Press has earned a reputation as the springboard of thought for both established and emerging business leaders.

Management Ebooks: "Zara and her Sisters"

Zara is the best known Spanish brand at an international level, and is listed among the hundred most valuable companies in the world. This insightful new book reveals the secrets behind Zara's success and examines the steps that its creator, Amancio Ortega, took to make Zara the global market leader in fashion.

"The author of this book clarifies all legends about Zara in order to explain the key to success of a company that at first sold housecoats and later on has become the second biggest clothes seller in the world." -- El País

"Analyzing in detail the history of a company, especially if it is on active service, represents a very important action for those who have already begun to build their own businesses, work in other sectors but want to know more about other cases" -- ABC

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Revistas Económicas: Ejecutivos Diciembre - Enero 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Ejecutivos correspondiente a los meses de diciembre y enero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Global Brand Integrity Management"

The integrity of products and brands is at the core of successful global business. Yet, chances are your management strategy does not protect the key elements that generate your product and brand revenues, leaving them vulnerable to internal and external attacks.

Global Brand Integrity Management delivers a blueprint for developing and maintaining an integrity program that preserves your brand's reputation, ensures product protection, and increases your competitiveness in the global marketplace. Drawing upon their three decades of experience, Richard Post and Penelope Post distill valuable lessons learned into the “Eight Laws of Brand Integrity,” extracted from hundreds of projects and at a cost of billions of dollars in brand--related losses to global businesses:

  • Brand integrity is more than legal protection
  • If a product is valuable, somebody will try to take your profits
  • If you do not protect your products, nobody will do it for you
  • If you wait until your products are attacked, you will lose
  • Protect your products and the bad guys will attack your competition
  • If you have different markets, someone is stealing your profits
  • Your products are often your largest competition
  • Continually monitor the marketplace to lower risks and increase profits

Using the Eight Laws as a framework, the authors show you how to establish and effectively manage an active, day-to-day protection program. They provide the tools you need to implement solutions for a specific problem, portions of supply chain, new-product introduction, or a new corporate brand integrity or protection function.

The bottom line: a brand integrity program is good business. With Global Brand Integrity Management, you will encourage good employee performance, lengthen product lifecycles, increase consumer confidence and loyalty, lower risk, and improve profitability as well as your corporate image.

Management Ebooks: "Aprende A Pensar Por Ti Mismo"

Sin duda, pensar es la tarea más importante a la que debemos enfrentarnos los humanos, y es algo que, además, tenemos que hacer todos los días. En este sentido, si pensar fuera una labor natural y fácil todos seríamos genios. Lo que ocurre, sin embargo, es que prestamos muy poca atención al pensamiento, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta su importancia a la hora de resolver problemas, tomar decisiones, hacer planes y enfrentarnos a las cosas en general. Necesitamos, pues, marcar unas etapas, establecer unos pasos que nos ayuden a mejorar en este terreno:

- Saber adónde vamos y qué queremos obtener.
- Dilucidar qué información tenemos y qué otra necesitamos.
- Establecer alternativas e ideas nuevas.
- Elegir entre las posibilidades y reducir las opciones a una sola línea de acción.
- Seguir adelante y practicar con las herramientas del pensamiento.

Del mismo modo en que los ordenadores no son nada sin el software, también el mecanismo de la memoria humana necesita un sistema de codificación para poder "pensar". De Bono lo ha descrito a través de un modelo muy fácil de recordar y de utilizar: sólo un maestro pue
de permitirse resumir tantos años de experiencia en un enunciado tan simple.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Noticias: El consejero delegado de GM ganará nueve millones de dólares en el 2010

En documentos presentados ante la Comisión del Mercado de Valores (SEC) de Estados Unidos, GM dijo que el salario base anual de Whitacre será de 1,7 millones de dólares. Adicionalmente recibirá como bono 5,3 millones de dólares en acciones, que serán entregadas en el espacio de tres años a partir del 2012, y 2 millones de dólares en acciones restringidas. Por su parte, Henderson ha sido contratado por la subsidiaria General Motors Holding para prestar servicios de consultoría hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2010.

Según el acuerdo, Henderson (quien dimitió como consejero de GM el 1 de diciembre de 2009 bajo presión de Whitacre) proporcionará 20 horas mensuales de consultoría en operaciones internacionales y participará en una reunión mensual con el presidente de Operaciones Internacionales. A cambio de estos servicios, Henderson recibirá 59.090 dólares al mes. Tras perder decenas de miles de millones de dólares en los últimos años, General Motors se declaró en quiebra a mediados de 2009 y recibió unos 60.000 millones de dólares en ayudas de las autoridades estadounidenses y canadienses para reestructurar la empresa.

Poco antes de colocarse bajo la protección de los tribunales, el director financiero de GM, Fritz Henderson, fue nombrado consejero delegado de la empresa en sustitución de Rick Wagoner, considerado uno de los responsables de la mala situación financiera del gigante automovilístico. Tras salir de la quiebra el 10 de julio de 2009, el antiguo presidente de AT&T, Ed Whitacre, fue nombrado presidente del Consejo de Administración y empezó a ejercer un mayor control sobre la empresa enfrentándose a Henderson en varias decisiones claves, como la prevista venta de Opel a la empresa Magna.

El enfrentamiento entre ambos acabó el 1 de diciembre de 2009 con la salida de Henderson de la compañía, poco después de que GM anunciase que finalmente no vendería su filial europea Opel. GM ha dicho que prevé hacer una oferta pública de acciones y volver a cotizar en el mercado de valores a finales de este año.


Revistas Económicas: The Economist - 20 February 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista The Economist correspondiente al 20 de Febrero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Social Media Hotel Marketing"

La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías está haciendo evolucionar de una manera galopante el modelo turístico tradicional. El turismo en España es uno de los motores de su PIB, siendo en Internet el tercer sector que mueve más negocio. La situación actual, en una etapa de crisis económica mundial, y en un entorno cada vez más competitivo, están funcionando como catalizadores de un nuevo marketing.

Este nuevo marketing se basa principalmente en la evolución del propio turista, que ha pasado de ser mero consumidor de productos turísticos a ser productor, pero también a ser pieza clave en la promoción de los destinos y de las marcas -turista adprosumer (productor-consumidor y generador de promoción). El turista de hoy necesita compartir sus experiencias de sus viajes y, de hecho, lo realiza en su mayoría en la Red, pero también en el boca a boca a tradicional.

Management Ebooks: "Apples Are Square"

For centuries, leaders have been operating within a “control and compete” mindset. But times are changing. More and more, at the helm of successful companies, you’ll find a different sort of leader. Collaborators, not controllers, they are “square apples,” bold men and women who dare to create success by reshaping the workplace in unexpected ways.

In Apples Are Square, innovation consultants and celebrated authors Dr. Susan Smith Kuczmarski and Thomas D. Kuczmarski share with you the secrets of how to become a square apple in your organization. To develop their groundbreaking strategy for success, the authors interviewed dozens of leadership pioneers, including Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist; Mary Ellen Weber, former NASA astronaut; and NFL star Chris Zorich, whose personal story inspired the title of this book. With the tools in Apples Are Square, you’ll be able to take any bruised environment and reshape it into a positive force.

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viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Revistas Económicas: Business Week - March 1, 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Business Week correspondiente al 1 de marzo de 2010.

Revistas Económicas: US News & World Report - March 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista US News & World Report correspondiente al mes de marzo de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Rockstar Personal Branding"

Personal branding isn’t very different than product branding, except that the entity being branded is you. Just like Nike uses its brand to attach a certain personality and uniqueness to the shoes it sells, your personal brand is made up of the qualities and unique traits you relay about yourself. Your personal brand represents the way you want other people to think about you.

Personal branding hinges on perception and the stories you tell about yourself: the things you emphasize and the things you don’t. Does personal branding involve lying? It shouldn’t. More than that, it shouldn’t have to. You don’t need to be a rockstar to
build an extraordinary personal brand.

Management Ebooks: "Managing Across Cultures"

Whether you run a giant corporation or work in a small business, it’s more than likely that you regularly deal with people of different cultures—from customers and suppliers to salespeople and colleagues.

It simply can’t be overstated: You will have trouble succeeding in business today if you don’t appreciate and know how to actively manage global cultural diversity. Managing Across Cultures examines why people around the world behave as they do and provides actionable tactics for succeeding in today’s global business environment.

Experts in the field of cross-cultural training, Michael Schell and Charlene Solomon describe seven readily recognizable behaviors and explain what they mean, how to interpret them, and most importantly, how to respond to them.

Managing Across Cultures is filled with case studies illustrating the importance of understanding and dealing with cultural differences in all aspects of business. You’ll learn how:

  • Intel’s powerful global corporate culture is a critical element of its historic success
  • Colgate-Palmolive integrates cultural understanding into its global marketing programs
  • GE adapts its effective management style to local business cultures

You’ll also find out how underestimating cultural influence caused serious problems for organizations like DaimlerChrysler and Wal-Mart.

Managing Across Cultures takes you far beyond other books that simply catalog the customs, gestures, and language vagaries of other cultures. This in-depth, strategic guide will help in every facet of business—from hiring and motivating employees to developing winning sales pitches and marketing campaigns.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Magazines: Brandlife 18-02-2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Brandlife correspondiente al 18 de febrero de 2010.

Revistas Económicas: Alberta Venture - February 2010

Alberta Venture - The trusted source of relevant, intelligent and insightful information relating to Alberta business. Alberta Venture features the top business stories, marketing ideas and success stories to help you run your business, manage your staff, gain industry insight and stay aware of trends. Experience the impact Alberta Venture can have on your business.

Marketing Ebooks: "Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective"

Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective 3rd edition provides a comprehensive, lively, contemporary and practical introduction to consumer behaviour. It shows how research and concepts in this subject can inform and be applied to broader/strategic marketing issues. The unique five-part micro-to-macro wheel structure takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the discussion of consumer behaviour theory and applications, and includes the latest trends and demographic data for profiling European consumers. This book is ideal for second and third year undergraduate marketing students, or those students taking a consumer behaviour
module as part of a business course. Companion Website Student Access Card: Consumer Behaviour.

Management Ebooks: "Strategic Management"

Reflecting the challenges of formulating, implementing and monitoring strategy in practice, White's contemporary text discusses differing theories and approaches in the context of real-world experience. Readers are encouraged to conceptualize and generalize business problems and to confront philosophical issues without losing sight of practical aims.

Each chapter starts with a Key Strategic Challenge and sets the scene of a case study which is resolved at the end of the chapter. The text includes more than sixty Strategy in Action short case examples to illustrate how organizations apply strategy in practice along with fifteen long case studies for detailed analysis. Strategic Projects and Exploring Further sections encourage readers to investigate the subject more in detail.

Strategic Management:

*Acknowledges the complex reality of strategy in the real world showing students the challenges they will encounter when implementing strategy in practice.
*Provides a solid theoretical grounding in the subject enabling students to develop their own strategic approaches.
*Offers comprehensive and contemporary topic coverage reflecting current trends such as globalization, co-operative strategy and performance measurement.
*Includes separate chapters on Implementation, Monitoring and Risk Assessment reflecting the critical role of these issues within organizations.
*Provides a wide range of international case examples from well-known organizations in all regions of the world allowing students to see how strategy is implemented in practice and reflecting the global nature of strategy for multinational corporations.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Web Marketing For Dummies"

This update to Marketing Online For Dummies includes all of the great topics from the original book, plus an additional focus, Internet advertising, a very hot topic. The right Internet advertising campaign can cost very little and make a product launch or even a company a winner; the wrong approach can be a huge waste of time and effort. The authors have hands-on experience doing both guerrilla marketing and million-dollar deals in this critical area. Also covered in this edition is a quick-start guide to getting net-savvy, a survival requirement in the Web marketing world.

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Management Ebooks: "Liderazgo: El Don Del Servicio"

El inicio de este siglo demanda con urgencia un cambio de fe y esperanza que rescaten la dignidad del ser humano y pongan las bases de una nueva sociedad que promueva el desarrollo integral de todos en este planeta. El liderazgo no es un tema más, es el gran tema porque los ámbitos de mayor impacto en nuestra vida: ( el socio-familiar, el educativo, el económico, el político y el religioso), dependen de las decisiones de los líderes. Ante ello queda claro que se necesita de un despertar de conciencia. La formación de líderes, mujeres y hombres de cualquier nivel social, credo o raza es el reto de este nuevo siglo.

El eje central de esta obra es el concepto de servicio como tarea fundamental de todo líder, pues a través de su acción comprometida y ética servirán cada vez más a mejores causas provocando así el tan necesario progreso integral y sustentable. Este libro está inspirado y hecho sólo para héroes, es decir, para todo ser humano que quiera influir para mejorar. En él se hace énfasis en que se necesita distinguir entre poder y autoridad que, subordinado necesariamente el primero a la segunda para legitimar y dar sentido a la autoridad que por su etimología y sentido profundo, significa "la posibilidad de que otros crezcan y progresen".

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Marketing Research: Within a Changing Information Environment"

The direction of Marketing Research, we heads towards a more application-oriented approach, wonderfully enhanced by the creation of a custom website that will enable students to complete their marketing research project with our online support. In addition to this distinction, the focus of the new edition takes an application-oriented approach, providing students with the tools and skills necessary to solve business problems and exploit business opportunities.

This book is also unique from any other in the market in three significant ways. First, it provides a greater balance between primary and secondary information and the techniques and methods that underpin these two important types of data. Second, it offers in-depth coverage of the critical research tools and skills that will be required of today and tomorrow's marketing researchers and business decision-makers. Third, with its in-depth coverage of secondary research, the practice of customer-based management is highlighted as this book helps students see what real companies are doing for their marketing research. This book provides students a realistic and current view of the practice and importance of marketing research in the business world.

Management Ebooks: "Service Management For Dummies"

Manage your business from a services perspective

What if technology was designed to serve the business — every time? That's service management! Done properly, it can make everybody happy — the customer, the service provider, and the business owner. Understand the value of managing your physical environments and IT systems with an integrated approach. Learn how real companies improve business performance by streamlining business processes and applying service management standards and best practices.

  • Define service — identify what the customer wants, how the business can provide it, and which technological tools will make it happen
  • Who's king? — whether you're the IT manager or the business owner, see how to think like the customer

  • Standards are key — understand the standards and best practices that can improve quality and reduce costs

  • Strategically speaking — develop and implement a service management strategy

  • What's it worth? — assess the costs and return associated with service management

  • Get down to business — discover how to manage data centers, support services, desktops and devices, IT security, and other business services

  • See it at work — explore case studies of service management in the manufacturing, retail, health care, hospitality, and other business sectors

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "English for Marketing and Advertising"

An expanding series of short, specialist English courses for different professions, work skills, and industries.

Management Ebooks: "Como superar el fracaso y obtener el éxito"

Todo lo que el hombre crea o adquiere, comienza en las formas de DESEO, el deseo es llevado en la primera vuelta de su viaje, desde lo abstracto a lo concreto, hacia dentro del taller de la IMAGINACION, donde los PLANES para su transición son creados y organizados. La formación de un plan práctico o planes DEFINITIVO (S), constituye un importante paso a través de los cuales, ésta transformación puede ser hecha. Ust
ed ahora será instruido acerca de como construir planes que serán prácticos.

A. Únase a un grupo de indeterminado número de personas el cual usted necesite, para crear y llevar a cabo su plan o planes de acumulación de dinero – utilizando así el principio de “Inteligencia”. (El cumplimiento de ésta instrucción es completamente esencial. No la ignore.)

B. Antes de formar su alianza “Inteligencia”, decida que ventajas y beneficios ust
ed puede ofrecer individualmente a los miembros de su grupo en retorno por su cooperación. Nadie trabajará indefinidamente sin alguna forma de compensación. Ninguna persona inteligente tampoco solicitaría o esperaría que otro trabajara sin ninguna compensación adecuada, aunque esto no siempre sea en forma de dinero.

C. Disponga todo para reunirse con los miembros de su grupo “Inteligencia” al menos dos veces a la semana, si es posible más seguido, hasta que hayan conjuntamente perfeccionado el plan necesario, o planes para la acumulación de dinero.

D. Mantenga la ARMONIA PERFECTA entre usted mismo y cada miembro de su grupo “Inteligencia”. Si no sigue al pie de la letra con ésta instrucción usted puede fallar y encontrarse con el fracaso. El principio de “Inteligencia” no se puede obtener donde la ARMONIA PERFECTA no prevalece .

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "eBoot Camp: Proven Internet Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business"

In this Web 2.0 era, small business owners are at a severe disadvantage because they have minimal, if any, knowledge, about Internet marketing. They also lack the budget to hire a top-notch web marketer. As a result, the thrust of their Internet marketing program is usually a poorly performing website that attracts few visitors. e Boot Camp is the solution to the entrepreneur's Internet marketing problem. This do-it-yourself book provides the know-how that's needed to win business in cyberspace while eliminating the need for a large marketing budget.

In just an hour or two a week, the small business owner will gain control of his or her Internet marketing campaign, using the step-by-step method Perlman presents. Specifically, readers will learn the keys to improving their search-engine ranking (the critical driver of traffic to a Website), how to create and manage blogs and e-newsletters and, finally, the secrets to a successful, sales-driven website.

Management Ebooks: "Gung Ho!"

El Gung Ho es una tecnica de gestión eficiente para “aprovechar al máximo el potencial de las personas en una empresa” y consiste en alcanzar un estado en el cual el trabajo de los individuos es importante en donde este ejerce control sobre su trabajo y en donde prevalece el trabajar juntos.