domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Advertising for Dummies"

So, you need to create an advertising campaign that brings in more customers, adds more dollars to your bottom line, and validates all the reasons you went into business in the first place. But how can you make your ad look and sound like champagne if your budget can only afford beer? Are you wasting your time trying to sell ice to an Eskimo?

The world of advertising can seem like a daunting place—but it doesn’t have to be. Advertising for Dummies coaches you through the process and shows you how to:

  • Identify and reach your target audience
  • Define and position your message
  • Get the most bang for your buck
  • Produce great ads for every medium
  • Buy the different media
  • Create buzz and use publicity
  • Research and evaluate your competition

Advertising for Dummies offers newbies a real-world look at the ins and outs of advertising—from online and print to TV, radio, and outdoor formats—to show you how you can easily develop and execute a successful campaign on any budget. Plus, you’ll find a glossary of common buzzwords you may encounter along the way so you can talk the talk like the advertising guru you (almost) are! With simple tips on how to write memorable ads and timeless lessons from the legends, this book is packed with everything you need to have people from New York to Los Angeles whistling your jingle.

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Management Ebooks: Peter F.Drucker "Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

This is the first book to present innovation and entrepreneurship as a purposeful and systematic discipline that explains and analyzes the challenges and opportunities of America's new entrepreneurial economy. Superbly practical, Innovation and Entrepreneurship explains what established businesses, public service institutions, and new ventures need to know and do to succeed in today's economy.

sábado, 30 de enero de 2010

Revistas Económicas: "The Economist January 30th - February 5th 2010 "

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista The Economist correspondiente al 30 de enero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Estudio sobre Comercio Electrónico B2C 2009"

Este estudio presenta los datos del negocio electrónico a través de la compra realizada por consumidores correspondientes al año 2008, con una muestra representativa de 2.137 usuarios de la Red, sobre los que se analizan los hábitos, consumos y valoraciones que hacen sobre el comercio electrónico, así como las barreras que limitan el acceso a este canal de venta.

El volumen de negocio generado por el comercio electrónico B2C en 2008 supera los 5.300 millones de euros, lo que supone un incremento del 12,6% respecto a 2007.

El principal motor de este crecimiento ha sido la evolución del número de internautas, que pasa del 53,5% al 58,3% de la población de 15 años y más. Debido a este incremento, y con una proporción de compradores que pasa del 39,8% al 40,3% de los internautas, el número absoluto de compradores online aumenta casi en 900.000 individuos, hasta al
canzar los 8,9 millones de internautas que compraron en 2008. Esta cifra, unida a un gasto medio de 604€, implica un volumen de negocio de 5.361 millones de euros en 2008.

Management Ebooks: "Confessions of a Public Speaker"

In this hilarious and highly practical book, author and professional speaker Scott Berkun reveals the techniques behind what great communicators do, and shows how anyone can learn to use them well. For managers and teachers-and anyone else who talks and expects someone to listen-Confessions of a Public Speaker provides an insider's perspective on how to effectively present ideas to anyone. It's a unique, entertaining, and instructional romp through the embarrassments and triumphs Scott has experienced over 15 years of speaking to crowds of all sizes.

With lively lessons and surprising confessions, you'll get new insights into the art of persuasion-as well as teaching, learning, and performance-directly from a master of the trade.

Highlights include:
  • Berkun's hard-won and simple philosophy, culled from years of lectures, teaching courses, and hours of appearances on NPR, MSNBC, and CNBC
  • Practical advice, including how to work a tough room, the science of not boring people, how to survive the attack of the butterflies, and what to do when things go wrong
  • The inside scoop on who earns $30,000 for a one-hour lecture and why
  • The worst-and funniest-disaster stories you've ever heard (plus countermoves you can use)

Filled with humorous and illuminating stories of thrilling performances and real-life disasters, Confessions of a Public Speaker is inspirational, devastatingly honest, and a blast to read.

"A fresh, fun, memorable take on the most critical thing: what we say. Highly recommended." -Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief, Wired

"Loved it! Anyone who speaks for a living-including teachers-will greatly benefit from this book." -Garr Reynolds, author of Presentation Zen

About the Author

Scott Berkun worked on the Internet Explorer team at Microsoft from 1994-1999 and left the company in 2003 with the goal of writing enough books to fill a shelf. The Myths of Innovation is his second book: he wrote the best seller, The Art of Project Management (O'Reilly 2005). He makes a living writing, teaching and speaking. He teaches a graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington, runs the sacred places architecture tour at NYC's GEL conference, and writes about innovation, design and management at Scott Berkun is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Digital and a management and creative thinking expert who appears frequently on MSNBC and CNBC.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "prScope 2009: Estudio de la Imagen de las Consultoras de Comunicación y RRPP en España"

El sector publicitario está viviendo uno de los momentos de mayor cambio en su historia. La aparición de internet, el boom de la 2.0, la saturación publicitaria, la fragmentación de audiencias, la aparición de la TDT y de nuevas legislaciones que influyen directamente en el sector han hecho que agencias y anunciantes comiencen a modificar su mix de medios.

Este estudio también recoge la visión de anunciantes y agencias sobre la innovación en los medios que eligen como soporte. Destaca el hecho de que crece el número de entrevistados que considera que no se ha innovado en ningún medio. De hecho, sólo creen que se ha innovado en Canales Temáticos, pero a pesar de ello, sigue siendo Internet en donde ven más innovación, este año especialmente en las redes sociales.

Management Ebooks: "The MBA Handbook Skills"

The MBA Handbook is a solid support guide for students studying for their MBA, providing advice about the whole MBA process, including choosing a course and examining post-MBA job opportunities. It can be used either to support a specific study skills unit on the course or as student reference and support beyond the classroom - it therefore has a lot of value for distance-learning students.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Marketing Magazines: Brandlife 28-01-2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Brandlife correspondiente al 28 de enero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "There's No Business That's Not Show Business"

Say goodbye to "business as usual"--to succeed today you need show business!

How do you market in today's "experience culture"--as conventional advertising grows increasingly ineffective, and customers grow increasingly independent? Companies and brands from Altoids to Volkswagen have discovered the answer: bring show business into your business!

There's No Business That's Not Show Business demonstrates how to use "show biz" techniques to cut through the clutter, engage your customers personally, differentiate your product or brand--and create real, long--term value.

These techniques can be adapted for any product, service, or market--consumer or B2B. You'll learn how to clearly identify strategic objectives and expected outcomes; target your high--value customers; ensure that "show biz" marketing promotes your core brand message; extend your impact via PR and CRM; and, above all, achieve quantifiable results.

  • The right show, the right media, the right venue
  • Choose, invent, and re--invent media around your unique marketing needs
  • Keeping your show "on brand"
  • Drive your core branding message: don't distract from it
  • Shows for customers, with customers, and by customers
  • Use show business to strengthen all your customer relationships
  • Integrating show business and leadership
  • Persona, myth, and ethos: shape the experience of your own company
  • Not just show: business
  • Practical measurements, credible budgets, real ROI

Show biz techniques that cut through market clutter--and delight and engage your customers!

  • Building experiences that engage, surprise, and dazzle your customers
  • Tying "show biz" marketing to measurable business goals
  • Breakthrough techniques for consumer, B2B, even internal marketing initiatives
  • Mobile marketing, street evangelism, customer events, theater, and much more
  • Altoids to Oracle, Volkswagen to Victoria's Secret: new case studies in experiential marketing

Customers today are more independent than ever, and advertising less effective and more costly every day. There's No Business that's Not Show Business shows how smart companies can use creativity, humor, and play to reach out and engage customers through a new kind of experience. This book provides winning case studies and "show business" techniques that can be used to dazzle customers, launch products, build brands, generate buzz, and build great customer relationships. From road shows to street evangelism to multi--media theater and beyond, it offers a new generation of marketing that can work for every customer in every industry. Most of all, it offers tools to link your "show business" to your brand, to core strategic goals, and to measurable results. Your business can be in show business too--and to reach customers today, it must!

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Management Ebooks: "El Impacto de China"

¿Cómo puede América Latina aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado chino y preparar al mismo tiempo a sus economías para hacer frente al desafío competitivo de China? Esta obra pionera, producida por el Departamento de Integración y Programas Regionales y el Departamento de Investigación del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, trata de dar algunas respuestas. Presenta un panorama completo de la política económica de China y su desempeño en las últimas décadas y lo compara con la experiencia de América Latina. Asimismo, analiza los factores determinantes de su ventaja competitiva y las repercusiones estratégicas de su ascenso en el crecimiento y el desarrollo de la región latinoamericana.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Noticias: "Steve Jobs presenta el iPad, el nuevo 'tablet PC' de Apple"

Apple ha vuelto a hacerlo. El iPad, su nuevo dispositivo, un esperadísimo 'tablet' PC, no ha defraudado a los seguidores de la compañía ni a los detractores, dado que, por prestaciones y precio, está destinado a abrir brecha en un mercado, el de los 'tablet', hasta ahora apenas explorado y, desde luego, nunca con éxito. Dentro de 60 días Apple comenzará a vender este dispositivo que lo tiene todo, o casi, desde 499 dólares el modelo más básico.

Todas las aplicaciones actuales de la App Store estarán disponibles en el iPad

Quizás sea el precio lo más sorprendente del iPad, ya que la salida se fija en 499 dólares -precio de EEUU-. Apple ha decidido diferenciar entre los modelos con conexión WiFi y los modelos con conexión Wifi y 3G. Así, los primeros costarán 499 dólares -16 GB-, 599 dólares -32 GB- y 699 dólares -64GB-. En cuanto a los segundos, costarán 130 euros más cada modelo, es decir, 629, 729 y 829 dólares respectivamente. Los primeros dispositivos, empezarán a venderse en 60 días, y los que incluyen 3G, en 90 días.

Además, todos los modelos con 3G, según ha anunciado Jobs, serán libres, es decir, no habrá restricciones de uso entre países como sí las hay con el iPhone, y usarán las nuevas tarjetas microSIMs. La pega es que mientras en EEUU ya han llegado a acuerdos con operadoras para ofrecer tarifas de datos 3G, en el resto del mundo esos acuerdos llegarán en junio o julio.

"Todo el mundo usa un portátil o un telefono hoy en día. ¿Hay espacio para un tercer dispositivo?", se preguntaba Steve Jobs al principio de la presentación. Su respuesta vendría minutos más tarde con esta tableta, diseñada para navegar por la web, gestionar correo, mostrar vídeos, funcionar como una consola de juegos y leer e-books. "Hay quien piensa que que los netbooks son esto, pero los netbooks son peores que los portatiles para todo", comentó ante un auditorio entregado.

Con una pantalla de 9,7 pulgadas, un tamaño de 24x19 centímetros, poco superior al de un iPhone y un peso de unos 700 gramos -según modelo-, el iPad no cabe en un bolsillo pero sí es mucho más portátil que cualquier netbook. Especialmente si, como ha anunciado Steve Jobs, la batería dura diez horas en funcionamiento y hasta un día en espera.

Una de sus grandes novedades es que funciona con un procesador desarrollado por Apple, el A4

La pantalla LED retroiluminada asegura un ángulo de visión de 178º además de buenas características de color y contraste. En cuanto a su resolución, alcanzará los 1024x768 píxeles con 132 píxeles por pulgada.

Por supuesto, al igual que su hermano menor, el iPhone, su pantalla será multitáctil, contará con tecnología Bluetooth para conectar dispositivos como un ratón o un teclado y tendrá brújula y GPS. Apple ya ha preparado diversos accesorios, como un dock con teclado, para hacer más fácil su uso. Además, gracias a sus diversas salidas, podrá conectarse a una televisión o un proyector, entre otros. Carecerá, eso sí, de cámara.

Noticias: "Ranking de las 30 mejoras marcas españolas del 2009"

El Top 5 cambia de integrantes; Mercadona registra la subida de valor más alta y se producen cuatro nuevas entradas.

Como ya viene siendo costumbre desde hace cuatro ediciones, la consultora líder global de marcas Interbrand, lanza su ranking bianual de las Mejores Marcas Españolas en colaboración con Actualidad Económica. Un estudio de riguroso análisis que pone de manifiesto el poder de nuestras marcas y sus continuos esfuerzos por seguir creciendo.

Marcas de telefonía, servicios financieros y distribución, forman el Top 5 integrado por Movistar, BBVA, Telefónica, El Corte Inglés y La Caixa. La apuesta por la internacionalización, la innovación o la adaptación a los nuevos patrones de consumo, haciendo una propuesta relevante para el consumidor, son sólo algunas de las características que han llevado a estas marcas hasta la cima del ranking. Así mismo, el mayor crecimiento lo ha registrado Mercadona, con una subida del 37% con respecto a la edición de 2007.

"A pesar de la crisis, el ranking pone de manifiesto que el 50% de las marcas han aumentado su valor, gracias a su consistencia y coherencia en la gestión de marca y por haber seguido apostando por ella como un activo clave en época de recesión" afirma Patricia Arias, Directora de Estrategia y Valoración de Interbrand.

Esta edición cuenta, por tanto, con una doble peculiaridad con respecto a ediciones pasadas; por un lado, la crisis ha hecho mella en las marcas del sector financiero, mermando el valor de algunas de ellas debido a la situación de los mercados financieros, aún así su presencia en el ranking representa un tercio del total de marcas. Por otro, el ranking español ha sufrido dos bajas y destacamos la entrada de dos grandes marcas en el ranking global, por ello se han producido cuatro nuevas entradas correspondientes a Gas Natural, Tous, Campofrío y Cola Cao.

El hecho de que Santander, haga su entrada en la edición de 2010 del Ranking de las Mejores Marcas Globales se debe a su proyección financiera, papel de marca y, fuerza de marca llevan el ritmo exigido para entrar en el Top 100. Pero, además deben conseguir los planes de unificación de las marcas adquiridas en las distintas regiones y seguir con su gestión de marca actual.

La tradicional aparición de Zara hace tres años y la de Santander en 2010 en el ranking Global, supone un triunfo para ellas y una oportunidad hacia otras marcas españolas cuya gestión de marca y cumplimiento de los requisitos exigidos para formar parte del estudio, las hace merecedoras de entrar en el ranking español.

"La presencia de estas dos grandes marcas en el Top 100 se debe a una dinámica de rotación que da cabida a que nuevas marcas puedan entrar en el ranking local y por otra parte sirve de referente al resto de marcas en su camino hacia la internacionalización", afirma Gonzalo Brujó, Consejero delegado de Interbrand. Descargar informe

Marketing Ebooks: "101 Ways to Improve Customer Service"

101 Ways to Improve Customer Service
provides a variety of training and development interventions that can be put to use right now with frontline service employees. Your customer service representatives directly influence the perception that customers have of your products and services and ultimately your company. It is vital that your employees develop service strategies to create a positive image, communicate effectively, and build customer rapport to support the underlying values and beliefs of your organization.

Management Ebooks: "La Verdadera Historia Del Club Bilderberg"

En 1954, muchos de los hombres más poderosos del mundo se reunieron por primera vez bajo el patrocinio de la familia real holandesa y la familia Rockefeller en el lujoso hotel Bilderberg de la pequeña ciudad holandesa de Oosterbeck. Durante todo un fin de semana debatieron sobre el futuro del mundo. Al acabar las sesiones, decidieron volver a reunirse cada año para intercambiar ideas y analizar la evolución internacional. Se bautizaron a sí mismos como Club Bilderberg y, desde entonces, cada año, se reúnen durante un fin de semana en un hotel de mundo para decidir el futuro de la humanidad. Entre los miembros actuales de este selecto club se encuentran Bill Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Angela Merkel, Jacques Chirac, Donald Rumsfeld, Toni Blair y George Soros, además de muchos otros jefes de gobierno, empresarios, políticos, banqueros y periodistas de países de todo el mundo. Españoles de primer nivel también forman parte de este selecto club. Entre ellos se encuentran Rodrigo Rato, Matías Rodríguez Inciarte, Juan Luis Cebrián, Joaquín Almunia, Pedro Solbes, Loyola de Palacios, José Borrell, Jaime Carvajal de Urquijo y Javier Solana.

El Club Bilderberg no es una sociedad secreta. No se trata tampoco de una nueva teoría conspiradora sobre el dominio del mundo. El Club Bilderberg es totalmente real y tangible. Existe como institución oficial y se han publicado algunos artículos sobre él. La prestigiosa BBC británica, por ejemplo, le dedicó su atención el 27 de septiembre de 2005. Sin embargo, en más de cincuenta años de reuniones en las que se ha producido una concentración inusitada de poder y dinero en el mismo momento y en un solo lugar, nunca se ha filtrado ninguna información de lo que se debatía en el Club Bilderberg. Jamás se ha dejado entrar a la prensa a las deliberaciones, ni se ha emitido ningún comunicado sobre las conclusiones a las
que habían llegado los asistentes, ni tampoco se ha hecho pública ningún acta con el orden del día.

Directivos del propio Club Bilderberg han afirmado que esa discreción es necesaria para que los participantes en los debates puedan hablar con libertad, sin ver al día siguiente sus declaraciones reflejadas en los periódicos. Sin duda, esa discreción permite al Club Bilderberg deliberar con más libertad. Pero eso no responde a la pregunta fundamental: ¿Sobre qué hablan los más poderosos del mundo en esas reuniones?

En cualquier democracia moderna se protege el derecho a la intimidad, pero ¿no tiene el público derecho a saber de qué hablan los más importantes presidentes, primeros ministros, reyes y reinas de todas las casas europeas cuando se reúnen con los empresarios y banqueros más ricos de sus respectivos países?

martes, 26 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Relationship Marketing: Theory and Practice"

This book, written by a group of outstanding UK researchers, pinpoints the essence and scope of relationship marketing and vividly demonstrates its applicability in different industries. Relationship marketing is the marketing of the next millennium. Don’t argue. Just read the book!' - Evert Gummesson, Stockholm University

By examining the relationship between theory and practice, Relationship Marketing appears at an important stage in the development of relationship marketing.

The opening chapter examines relationship marketing (RM) theory, reviews a number of RM definitions and reports on the economic arguments in favour of RM. It describes the nature and scope of marketing relationships, picking out characteristics such as concern for the welfare of customers, trust and commitment between partners, and the importance of customer service. Finally, it identifies a number of requirements for successful RM.

The next 12 chapters describe, analyze and critique RM practice in a number of organizational settings (supply-chain relationships, principal-agent relationships, business-to-business relationships, intra-organizational relationships) and industries (hospitality, air travel, retail banking, corporate banking, credit cards, financial advisory services, advertising agencies, not-for-profit organizations). The final chapter reflects on the relationships between theory and practice.

Management Ebooks: "Warren Buffett Speaks"

Most people come to know of Warren Buffett through his ability to generate wealth. However, as Janet Lowe reveals in her book, Warren Buffett Speaks, Buffett is more than a money-making machine. Warren Buffett Speaks is a library of notes and quotes that have been collected over the years, aimed at revealing the many aspects of the World's Greatest Investor--his wit, personality, and wisdom. The first half of the book deals with Buffett's view of life, family, and friends, while the latter half focuses on Buffett's investment philosophy and observations about the market. This book is a must for every Buffettologist.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Interpreting Consumer Choice"

Interpretive consumer research usually proceeds with a minimum of structure and preconceptions. This book presents a more structured approach than is usual, showing how a simple framework that embodies the rewards and costs associated with consumer choice can be used to interpret a wide range of consumer behaviours from everyday purchasing and saving, innovative choice, imitation, ‘green’ consumer behavior, to compulsive behaviors such as addictions (to shopping, to gambling, to alcohol and other drugs, etc). Foxall takes a qualitative approach to interpreting behavior, focusing on the epistemological problems that arise in such research and emphasizing the emotional as well as cognitive aspects of consumption.

The author argues that consumer behaviour can be understood with the aid of a very simple model that proposes how the consequences of consumption impact consumers’ subsequent choices. The objective is to show that a basic model can be used to interpret consumer behaviour in general, not in isolation from the marketing influences that shape it, but as a course of human choice that is dynamically linked with managerial concerns.

Management Ebooks: "Leading Change"

What will it take to bring your organization successfully into the twenty-first century? The world's foremost expert on business leadership distills twenty-five years of experience and wisdom based on lessons he has learned from scores of organizations and businesses to write this visionary guide. The result is a very personal book that is at once inspiring, clear-headed, and filled with important implications for the future.

The pressures on organizations to change will only increase over the next decades. Yet the methods managers have used in the attempt to transform their companies into stronger competitors -- total quality management, reengineering, right sizing, restructuring, cultural change, and turnarounds -- routinely fall short, says Kotter, because they fail to alter behavior.

Emphasizing again and again the critical need for leadership to make change happen, Leading Change provides the vicarious experience and positive role models for leaders to emulate. The book identifies an eight-step process that every company must go through to acheive its goal, and shows where and how people -- good people -- often derail.

Reading this highly personal book is like spending a day with John Kotter. It reveals what he has seen, heard, experienced, and concluded in many years of working with companies to create lasting transformation. The book is an inspirational yet practical resource for everyone who has a stake in orchestrating changes in their organization. In Leading Change we have unprecedented access to our generation's master of leadership.

domingo, 24 de enero de 2010

Noticias: "Adidas, la marca que mejor explota el patrocinio del fútbol"

La marca de las tres bandas es el patrocinador líder de fútbol en Europa, siendo capaz de llegar a muchos más aficionados que hace cinco años en Alemania y Francia. En este país, Adidas ha mejorado enormemente su nivel de notoriedad como patrocinador en fútbol.

Después de Adidas, se sitúan sus rivales Nike y Puma, y la compañía de refrescos Coca-Cola, que encabezan un listado de un total de veinte marcas. Según Hartmut Zastrow, director ejecutivo de la consultora Sport+Markt, Nike ha repetido los buenos resultados de la temporada 2004/05, pero a diferencia de Adidas, ha sido incapaz de aumentar su nivel de notoriedad."

Este experto también destaca que “los patrocinadores de camisetas y los proveedores técnicos dominan la comunicación en el futbol europeo”. Para Zastrow las grandes inversiones y la continuidad son “esenciales para perdurar en los principales mercados de fútbol a largo plazo” y pone como ejemplos los casos de Siemens Mobile y O2, que han abandonado el ranking, al haber finalizado sus acuerdos como patrocinadores de camisetas. En contraposición, “Opel es un buen ejemplo de cómo una colaboración a largo plazo en el fútbol todavía puede despertar un gran interés, incluso después de abandonar el patrocinio"

Como curiosidad, el estudio recalca que Reino Unido es el único mercado donde los patrocinadores de camisetas, principalmente AIG y Carlsberg, obtienen una puntuación más alta que los proveedores técnicos, y sólo Barclays como patrocinador principal de la liga inglesa es capaz de competir a un nivel tan alto.

Acceder aquí a un resumen del estudio.

Noticias: "Europa avala fusión Oracle-Sun"

Oracle ganó este jueves la aprobación regulatoria incondicional de la Unión Europea para la adquisición por 7.000 millones de dólares del fabricante de ordenadores Sun Microsystems.

Oracle había recibido luz verde en agosto del año pasado del Depa
rtamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos para la compra de Sun, desarrollador del software Java, uno de los lenguajes informáticos más usados del mundo.

La Comisión Europea inició una investigación profunda del pacto en septiembre, argumentando preocupaciones sobre el impacto en la competencia por el sistema de base de datos de Sun. "Estoy satisfecha de que la competencia y la innovación serán preservadas en todos los mercados afectados. La adquisición de Sun por parte de Oracle tiene el potencial de revitalizar recursos importantes y crear nuevos e innovadores productos", dijo la comisaria de Competencia de la Unión Europea, Neelie Kroes, en un comunicado.

Marketing Ebooks: "Manual de Gestión de Marcas y Merchandising para PYMES"

El objetivo del proyecto en el que se enmarca esta publicación es el de generar y difundir un manual de recomendaciones de gestión de marca y merchandising para pymes. Pretende, de una forma documentada y práctica, inducir a la revisión de los sistemas de identidad de las empresas, acceder al conocimiento de buenas prácticas, tanto nacionales como internacionales, de posicionamiento en el punto de venta, plantear un manual de recomendaciones para la mejora en la gestión de la marca y proponer un taller práctico online para la aplicación del manual.

La publicación se puede dividir en varias partes resumidas en los siguientes puntos: análisis de los sistemas de identidad de las empresas de productos infantiles, el estudio de casos de buenas prácticas en la gestión de marcas y su implantación en los puntos de venta; y las recomendaciones para la gestión de marca.

Management Ebooks: "Madoff with the Money"

An intriguing look at Bernie Madoff the man, and his scam

Madoff with the Money is a deeply disturbing portrait of Bernie Madoff based on dozens of exclusive, news-making interviews. From the values Madoff was taught growing up in the working class town of Laurelton, Queens to his high-life on Wall Street and the super-rich enclaves of Palm Beach and the French Riviera, bestselling author Jerry Oppenheimer follows the disgraced money manager's trail as he works his way up the social and economic ladder, and eventually scams his trusting clients in a $50 billion Ponzi scheme.

Through Oppenheimer's in-depth reporting, you'll discover new revelations in this startling case, and become familiar with the trusting victims-ranging from non-profit Jewish charities to the likes of seemingly sophisticated individuals such as actress Jane Fonda who would "like to shake Madoff until his teeth fall out," the scion of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire who lost a bundle and was forced to rent out rooms in his house, and New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg. There's even Madoff's own sister-in-law and talk show host Larry King, who apparently didn't ask the right questions when he invested. All lost their much-needed life savings, while others saw fortunes small and large evaporate in the greedy financial operations of one of history's all-time charlatans.

Madoff With the Money

  • Delves into the details of the illusive man that lost investors billions
  • Weaves stories of Madoff's past with those of the present in an engaging and accessible style
  • Explores how the financial scam that Madoff ran cost individuals and institutions billions of dollars
  • Other titles by Oppenheimer: Toy Monster: The Big, Bad World of Mattel, and Just Desserts: Martha Stewart the Unauthorized Biography
While there may be other books on the Bernie Madoff debacle, none digs as deep or goes as far to uncover the truth behind the man, and his incredible scam.

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

News: Executives Rank Marketing Most Critical Area for Next Generation of Business Leaders

According to a survey of U.S. senior executives, marketing will be the most important area of expertise for the next-generation of leaders.

The study, commissioned by the Institute of International Research, sought to identify key areas for leaders. Marketing was the clear choice, with 31 percent of votes, followed by 20 percent for operations and 16 percent for financial expertise. Sales and engineering were deemed least critical to leadership with 11 and six percent respectively.

While marketing departments are often struggling to effectively measure effectiveness and the related battle for internal credibility, studies such as this provide evidence that marketing is making significant headway in proving its value within organizations.

Marketer Seth Godin attributes the rising recognition of marketing to fierce marketplace competition. “Being good enough is no longer good enough,” said Godin. “This is the most cluttered marketplace in history--just about everything is available everywhere, all the time. Leaders understand that spreading the word about their offerings is the only path to success. This survey hammers home that point--the success of an organization is driven by one thing: whether or not people choose to buy what you've got to sell.”

Revistas Económicas: The Economist January 23rd - 29th 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista The Economist correspondiente al 23 de enero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Twitter para quien no usa Twitter"

El objetivo de este libro es mostrar las posibilidades de la herramienta para aquéllos que quieren descubrir una nueva forma de trabajar y comunicarse, consejos tanto para los que prefieren ser usuarios pasivos, leyendo y encontrando información difícil o imposible de encontrar en otros medios, como para los que están dispuestos a sacarle el máximo partido agilizando las tareas que hoy aún se realizan de formas poco efectivas.

Pretende ayudarles a usar Twitter para mejorar su calidad de vida, no para complicarla.

Management Ebooks: "Tough Tactics for Tough Times"

In difficult economic times, decision-makers in business need to take decisive action. It is essential that they combat the pressures and respond to difficult market and economic conditions in a way that minimizes negative effects.

Tough Tactics for Tough Times provides a head start in difficult circumstances. It sets out fifty practical ways to improve finances, including ways to: reduce costs, increase staff effectiveness, maintain a marketing initiative, maximize business from best customers, maintain an awareness of products/services, focus promotional activity where it will do the most good and spot opportunities for new business.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

Revistas Económicas: Business Week - 08 February 2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Business Week correspondiente al 8 de febero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Predicciones para los Social Media en 2010"

Sin duda los Social Media han dejado de ser una moda y se están consolidando dentro de las estrategias de las marcas, como espacios en los que desarrollar una estrategia de comunicación, como espacios en los que empezar a desarrollar su negocio. Espacios pequeños, es verdad, pero cada vez con mayor sentido. 27 personas han participado en la elaboración de este documento que recoge predicciones sobre Social Media para el año 2010.

Management Ebooks: Henry Mintzberg "Managing"

Managing is important for anyone affected by its practice, which in our world of organizations means everyone. We need to understand it better, in order for it to be practiced better, and yet we have not yet come to grips
with the central question of what it is that managers really do.

Those befuddled by some or all of management - which hardly excludes managers themselves should be able to reach for a book that provides lasting insights on the big questions.

What are the essential dynamics, roles and conundrums of managing?
Are leaders really more important than managers?
And where has all the judgment gone?

In Managing, Henry Mintzberg captures, in one place, the essence of managing. This landmark book will enable people to see the job all at once, and so be able to appreciate its components comprehensively, coherently, and interactively - as effective managers do. Engaging with management as a daily practice, it explains what it is that managers do, why they make a difference and how they become effective.

Managing makes sense of the world's most important job Over the years I have asked many groups o
f managers what happened the day they became managers. First I get puzzled looks, and then shrugs. Nothing, they report. You are supposed to figure it out - like sex, I suppose usually with the same dire initial consequences. And from there, while we can find plenty of effective managers - if we can figure out what that means - we see a great deal of dysfunctional and often bizarre managerial behavior too. The costs are immense.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

Magazines: US News & World Report - February 2010

U.S. News & World Report Magazine: For top-notch reportage and incisive analysis of national and world events, look no further than the pages of this weekly magazine. U.S. News & World Report covers government, business, industry, technology, labor, national defense, international relations, science, religion and cultural trends with immediacy, depth and clarity.

News Magazines: The Week - 23 January 2010

The Week is a unique digest which distils the best of the British and foreign press into just 35 succinct pages - ideal for today's busy lifestyle. What's more, The Week is a joy to read, keeping you entertained as well as informed.

Revistas Económicas: Fast Company - December 2009 / January 2010

Fast Company Magazine: Catch up with the groundbreaking pacesetters and innovative ideas that make the business world take off. Learn what makes businesses succeed. Find out how the best are thriving and how you can too. Fast Company is not your average conservative business magazine - its business with an edge.

Marketing Magazines: Brandlife 21-10-2010

Edición en formato Pdf de la revista Brandlife correspondiente al 21 de enero de 2010.

Marketing Ebooks: "Handbook of Pricing Research in Marketing"

Pricing is an essential aspect of the marketing mix for brands and products. Further, pricing research in marketing is interdisciplinary, utilizing economic and psychological concepts with special emphasis on measurement and estimation. This unique Handbook provides current knowledge of pricing in a single, authoritative volume and brings together new cutting-edge research by established marketing scholars on a range of topics in the area.

The environment in which pricing decisions and transactions are implemented has changed dramatically, mainly due to the advent of the Internet and the practices of advance selling and yield management. Over the years, marketing scholars have incorporated developments in game theory and microeconomics, behavioral decision theory, psychological and social dimensions and newer market mechanisms of auctions in their contributions to pricing research. These chapters, specifically written for this Handbook, cover these various developments and concepts as applied to tackling pricing problems.

Academics and doctoral students in marketing and applied economics, as well as pricing-focused business practitioners and consultants, will appreciate the state-of-the-art research herein.

Management Ebooks: "Hot, Flat, and Crowded"

Thomas L. Friedman’s phenomenal number-one bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see the world in a new way. In his brilliant, essential new book, Friedman takes a fresh and provocative look at two of the biggest challenges we face today: America’s surprising loss of focus and national purpose since 9/11; and the global environmental crisis, which is affecting everything from food to fuel to forests. In this groundbreaking account of where we stand now, he shows us how the solutions to these two big problems are linked--how we can restore the world and revive America at the same time.

Friedman explains how global warming, rapidly growing populations, and the astonishing expansion of the world’s middle class through globalization have produced a planet that is “hot, flat, and crowded.” Already the earth is being affected in ways that threaten to make it dangerously unstable. In just a few years, it will be too late to fix things--unless the United States steps up now and takes the lead in a worldwide effort to replace our wasteful, inefficient energy practices with a strategy for clean energy, energy efficiency, and conservation that Friedman calls Code Green.

This is a great challenge, Friedman explains, but also a great opportunity, and one that America cannot afford to miss. Not only is American leadership the key to the healing of the earth; it is also our best strategy for the renewal of America.

In vivid, entertaining chapters, Friedman makes it clear that the green revolution we need is like no revolution the world has seen. It will be the biggest innovation project in American history; it will be hard, not easy; and it will change everything from what you put into your car to what you see on your electric bill. But the payoff for America will be more than just cleaner air. It will inspire Americans to something we haven’t seen in a long time--nation-building in America--by summoning the intelligence, creativity, boldness, and concern for the common good that are our nation’s greatest natural resources.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Del 1.0 al 2.0: claves para entender el nuevo marketing"

Del 1.0 al 2.0: claves para entender el nuevo marketing repasa los cambios que está experimentando el marketing online y proporciona las soluciones imprescindibles para aplicar este nuevo enfoque.

Su estructura permite la lectura de capítulos concretos para quienes quieran cono
cer un único aspecto: banners, emailings, SEO, SEM, Redes de afiliados, Social Media, Community manager, Marketing viral, gestión de la reputación online, analítica web... Su lectura completa dibuja de manera práctica cómo es, o debería ser, el día a día de este nuevo perfil.

Bajo la coordinación de Eva Sanagustín, dieciocho profesionales del marketing se han reunido para aportar su experiencia y conocimientos para ayudarte a dar el salto del 1.0 al 2.0 y entender el nuevo marketing.

Management Ebooks: "Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company"

Apple Confidential examines the tumultuous history of America’s best-known Silicon Valley start-up – from its legendary founding almost 30 years ago, through a series of disastrous executive decisions, to its return to profitability, and including Apple’s recent move into the music business. Linzmayer digs into forgotten archives and interviews the key players to give readers the real story of Apple Computer, Inc. This updated and expanded edition includes tons of new photos, timelines, and charts, as well as coverage of new lawsuit battles, updates on former Apple executives, and new chapters on Steve Wozniak and Pixar.

martes, 19 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "New Community Rules - Marketing on the Social WEB"

Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With
The New Community Rules, you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach people who frequent these sites.
Written by an expert in social media and viral marketing, this book cuts through the hype and jargon to give you intelligent advice and strategies for positioning your business on the social web, with case studies that show how other companies have used this approach. The New Community Rules will help you:
  • Explore blogging and microblogging, and find out how to use applications such as Twitter to create brand awareness
  • Learn the art of conversation marketing, and how social media thrives on honesty and transparency
  • Manage and enhance your online reputation through the social web
  • Tap into the increasingly influential video and podcasting market
  • Discover which tactics work -- and which don't -- by learning about what other marketers have tried

Many consumers today use the Web as a voice. The New Community Rules demonstrates how you can join the conversation, contribute to the community, and bring people to your product or service.

Management Ebooks: "iCon Steve Jobs: The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business "

takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Jeffrey Young and William Simon provide new perspectives on the legendary creation of Apple, detail Jobs’s meteoric rise, and the devastating plunge that left him not only out of Apple, but out of the computer-making business entirely. This unflinching and completely unauthorized portrait reveals both sides of Jobs’s role in the remarkable rise of the Pixar animation studio, also re-creates the acrimony between Jobs and Disney’s Michael Eisner, and examines Jobs’s dramatic his rise from the ashes with his recapture of Apple.

The authors examine the takeover and Jobs’s reinvention of the company with the popular iMac and his transformation of the industry with the revolutionary iPod. iCon is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how the modern digital age has been formed, shaped, and refined by the most influential figure of the age–a master of three industries: movies, music, and computers.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "International Marketing"

The main aim of International Marketing, is to provide solid foundations that are useful for explanation, prediction and control of international business activities.

It is very rare that a single text effectively provides a comprehensive coverage of both macro and micro issues in international marketing. These authors have done an excellent job of developing a framework that admiringly integrates both these perspectives. The practical examples that effectively illustrate the concepts are impressive, as is the breadth of industries covered in the discussions and the way each chapter provides a rich collection of concepts and strategies. I would particularly applaud the extensive coverage of the cultural aspects of marketing strategies in multiple chapters. This book is a must for all aspiring managers, who want to meet international marketing challenges successfully, in a rapidly evolving business context. Durairaj Maheswaran, Stern Research Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business