miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Self Marketing Power"

In a competitive, global economy, you need to stand out. Whether you're hoping for a promotion, trying to land a major client or striving to make a difference in your community, one thing is for sure: The world has no room for shrinking violets. Self Marketing Power is a book about business, career and life success. It's perfect for anyone who wants to boost revenue, start a business, close more deals or move up the corporate ladder.

Through fascinating examples and entertaining stories, you will learn how to:

*Build a personal brand and promote it to your personal target audience
Think like a politician in order to get ahead in business

*Establish name recognition and become a celebrity inside your sphere of interest

*Get real results from your networking efforts

*Exploit your current job for self marketing benefits

*Become a superstar in your profession

*Develop an expertise and become a sought-after speaker, consultant and source for news stories

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy buen libro y mejor biblioteca.
    Te estoy agregando a mi feedreader y mis favoritos para estar al pendiente.
    Gracias Rody.

  2. Hola, gracias por visitar el blog y por agregarlo a tus favoritos.

    Un saludo
