miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Marketing Ebooks: "Web Marketing For Dummies"

This update to Marketing Online For Dummies includes all of the great topics from the original book, plus an additional focus, Internet advertising, a very hot topic. The right Internet advertising campaign can cost very little and make a product launch or even a company a winner; the wrong approach can be a huge waste of time and effort. The authors have hands-on experience doing both guerrilla marketing and million-dollar deals in this critical area. Also covered in this edition is a quick-start guide to getting net-savvy, a survival requirement in the Web marketing world.

Descargar - Download

4 comentarios:

  1. Que mas Rody!! que buen blog el tuyo, todos los días los visito para ver novedades. Seria posible consiguieras el libro titulado: "Comportamiento del consumidor" de Michael Solomon? Es de Pearson Education.

  2. Hola, gracias por visitar tan asiduamente el blog, respecto al libro veremos que se puede hacer.

    Un saludo

  3. el link ya no está disponible :(
